What a Super day we had! There were so many superheroes and princesses in the building! PatriotPride#spiritweek#hoco2024
5 months ago, Jessica Lloyd
Princess/Superhero Day
Princess/Superhero Day
Princess/Superhero Day
Princess/Superhero Day
Princess/Superhero Day
Help! Iron Man has fallen and can’t get up 😊
Princess/Superhero Day
Princess/Superhero Day
Howdy! The elementary students joined in on the western theme yesterday and did not disappoint! #HOCO2024 #PatriotPride #SpiritWeek
5 months ago, TaShena Melton
western wear elementary
western wear elementary
western wear elementary
western wear elementary
western wear elementary
western wear elementary
It's a CRAZY kinda day here in elementary. All types of CRAZY hair, hats, socks! #Spiritweek#PatriotPride#Hoco2024
5 months ago, Jessica Lloyd
Crazy hat, hair, and socks day at CCS
Crazy hat, hair, and socks day at CCS
Crazy hat, hair, and socks day at CCS
Crazy hat, hair, and socks day at CCS
Crazy hat, hair, and socks day at CCS
Crazy hat, hair, and socks day at CCS
Crazy hat, hair, and socks day at CCS
Crazy hat, hair, and socks day at CCS
Crazy hat, hair, and socks day at CCS
Crazy hat, hair, and socks day at CCS
Yesterday was western day and we had some amazing cowboys and cowgirls! #Hoco2024 #SpritWeek #PatriotPride
5 months ago, TaShena Melton
western wear
western wear
western wear
western wear
western wear
western wear
western wear
western wear
western wear
western wear
Day One of Spirit Week: We embraced the 90s!
5 months ago, Alexandra Shloss
students dressed in 90s gear
students dressed in 90s gear
students dressed in 90s gear
teachers dressed in 90s gear
It's Homecoming Week! Join us at CCS this week as we enjoy Spirit Week, volleyball games, our Homecoming Dance, and the Homecoming Game. Then enjoy a day at home, but don't forget to log on for synchronized learning next Monday!
5 months ago, TaShena Melton
College Go Week was such a great experience for some of our seniors. We had students apply to colleges and we are asking for prayer for them as they navigate this new season in life. Here are a few of our wonderful seniors who applied! #whyapply #Iappliedtocollege
5 months ago, TaShena Melton
As we close out college go week a few of our teachers are sharing why they applied to college and why they attended a post secondary school.
5 months ago, TaShena Melton
why I applied
why I applied
why I applied
why I applied
What a week we have had at CCS! Wednesday we were blessed to have our students lead us in prayer as other students from around the country came together to pray for our country, our schools, our communities and our students. #SYATP
5 months ago, TaShena Melton
Today the seniors were able to participate in a scholarship fair and take a tour of IU Northwest. The class of 2025 is ready to take on the world! #ChristianEducation
5 months ago, TaShena Melton
college visit
college visit
college visit
We are getting ready for homecoming! Spirit week starts Monday when we will take it back...way back to the 1990's! #Homecoming2024 #CCSPatriots #WeAreCCS
5 months ago, TaShena Melton
hi I
DON'T FORGET! 🇺🇸 Join us tomorrow, Wednesday, Sept. 25th for See You At the Pole! We will be meeting to pray at 7am at the southeast corner of Central Park in Griffith. Please come and be a part of this bonding experience as we bring our needs before God. 🙏🙏🏽🙏🏿
5 months ago, Alexandra Shloss
american flag on a pole
Seniors! Don't forget that tomorrow is your Scholarship Fair Day. Be on time so you can leave as a group and enjoy your lunch off campus before heading back in the afternoon. Please keep our seniors in your prayers as they begin this very important part of their year and start to think about life after CCS. #WeAre CCS #ChristianEducation #BiblicalTruth #PatriotPride #SeniorYear #CollegeGoWeek
5 months ago, TaShena Melton
It's College Go! Week. Indiana’s College GO! Campaign takes place in September every year and is designed to deliver important college and career planning messages to students in simple and fun ways that are aligned with Indiana’s education standards. The festivities will take place all week while also promoting College Application Week, where many Indiana universities and colleges waive their application fee for students to apply to their dream institution for FREE. Check out what CCS has planned for the week! #WeAre CCS #ChristianEducation #BiblicalTruth #PatriotPride
5 months ago, TaShena Melton
college go
October 7 we will have our first synchronized e-learning day of the year. Students will log on at designated times for live instruction and teachers will be there to support their learning. #WeAre CCS #ChristianEducation #BiblicalTruth #PatriotPride
5 months ago, TaShena Melton
Picture Day is tomorrow! Dress your best & have your smiles ready! Reminder: You can view before you buy!! Proofs will be texted/emailed to you on picture day, and you can order completely online AFTER picture day! All orders are shipped directly to your home. #WeAre CCS #ChristianEducation #PictureDay #PatriotPride
5 months ago, TaShena Melton
picture Day
Join us this week at CCS for College Go! Week celebrations, volleyball games, Our seniors will get to visit a scholarship fair, and on Wednesday, students will join others across the country as they pray for the nation at See You at the Pole Day. #WeAre CCS #ChristianEducation #BiblicalTruth #PatriotPride
5 months ago, TaShena Melton
We are in our last week of the CCS Soap Sale! All orders are due by Friday, September 27, with money. For the uninitiated, CCS families sell high quality and highly concentrated laundry soap comparable to the best brands in 5 gallon pails (with pump) for $45. Laundry pods, dish soap, hand soap, and fabric softeners are also available, making these a great deal for the long term. Shoot an email to dobinger@ccspatriots.org if you need a form or have questions. Please note: you must be able to pick up the soap on Saturday, October 12, from 10am-2pm or Sunday, October 13, from 1pm-3pm.
5 months ago, Calumet Christian School
CCS Soap Sale Logo
Join us for our 2024 CCS Baseball Alumni Game on Saturday, Oct. 12th! We'll enjoy a great game of baseball, and we'll also be talking about unique baseball service opportunities. The game begins at 1pm, with warmup starting at noon. We'll be at Black Oaks Baseball Field, 6012 W. 26th Ave, Gary, IN 46406. We can't wait to see you! ⚾️ Please text Coach Gabe to let us know you plan to be there: (219) 334-5916
6 months ago, Alexandra Shloss
picture of field with ccs logo
Today our secondary students were given the opportunity to serve a local church. They worked hard and made us proud! #ServantLeadership #CCSPatriots #WeArePatriots
6 months ago, TaShena Melton